Diana Raffle Playwright

Plays for Performance
Stagescripts Ltd
Samuel French Ltd
The Playwrights Database
Welcome to Diana Raffle's website. Diana spent the majority of her life in Maidstone, the county town of Kent in England. Although she always had an interest in theatre and writing, it wasn't until 1996, when she joined a local theatre company that she realised she had a talent for writing plays. Diana began to write plays for The Willington Players to perform and in 2002, Samuel French published her first one act play, 'Blue Suede Blues'. This success encouraged her to write many more one-act and full length plays. Many of these have been performed by local amateur groups, whilst her published plays have been performed widely across the United Kingdom. Throughout her playwrighting career, Diana had to battle with breast cancer, which finally cut her life short at the age of 41. However, in total, she managed to write 22 plays, a children's novel and four nativity plays. Details of all Diana's published plays are available on this site and there are links to Samuel French and Stagescripts Ltd should you fancy getting any copies! Diana wrote with the amateur theatre in mind. Having been fortunate enough to have worked with amateur groups in Maidstone, Diana realised that such groups are always seeking plays that can be cast easily. She endeavoured to write plays that were as entertaining as possible. She also recognised that many ladies dislike the fact that they don't seem to get many of the laughs in farces. As a result, she wrote the full length farce 'Fairway To Heaven'. This provides good character roles for both women and men, thus satisfying both sexes! When first performed, 'Fairway to Heaven' ran for five nights gaining rave reviews and fantastic houses. For those groups looking for a farce with great roles for all, then this is the one for you. Again, with the amateur theatre in mind, Diana wrote 'Murder Amongst Friends'. This is a thriller that can be performed with a minimal set and has a cast of 2 men and 3 women, so it is easy to cast and easy to stage. In Diana's own words, she "wanted to write a play that would test the sleuths in the audience, as there is nothing worse than guessing who's done what in the first act"! Diana's one-act plays are all within the fifty minute Festival time limit. The details for 'Blue Suede Blues' and 'Camp Confidence' (both comedies) can be found on the Samuel French website, by clicking on the link above. The 'Canary Cage' is a thriller and also a festival award winner, so if you fancy giving the audience a shiver rather than a giggle, this is the one for you! We hope that you take a look at some of Diana's work. Her published plays are listed below. Diana tried hard to make a comedy as funny as possible and a thriller as exciting as possible, so we hope that you enjoy them. Click the link to Stagescripts Ltd or Samuel French to order or peruse the details of Diana's plays and many thanks for visiting the site. For more information about Diana Raffle and any of her publications, contact her husband Scott Raffle on scott.raffle@btinternet.com. (Please note, in an effort to avoid spam, this isn't a link, but you can contact Scott via e-mail on the above address).
ONE ACT PLAYS BLUE SUEDE BLUES (Comedy 4F 2M)- Samuel French Ltd THE CANARY CAGE (Thriller 3F 1M) - Stagescripts Ltd THE OFFENCE (Comedy Thriller 4F 2M)- Stagescripts Ltd CAMP CONFIDENCE (Comedy 7F)- Samuel French Ltd HEAVEN'S ABOVE (Drama 2F 2M) - Stagescripts Ltd FRENCH TOAST (Farce 3F 4M) - Stagescripts Ltd STOP AND RUN (Drama 3F 2M) - Samuel French Ltd FULL LENGTH PLAYS MURDER AMONGST FRIENDS (Thriller 3F 2M)- Stagescripts Ltd FAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (Farce 5F 3M) - Stagescripts Ltd ROUND THE HOUSES (Farce 5F 3M) - Stagescripts Ltd